Past events
ESG regulativa i implikacije za domaće tržište kapitala

Nastavno na nedavno uvođenje SFDR regulative proveli smo anketu među institucionalnim investitorima i izdavateljima kako bi identificirali ključne izazove s kojima se susreću te njihova očekivanja oko daljnjeg razvoja odgovornog i održivog ulaganja u Hrvatskoj.
Rezultati ankete dostupni su ovdje (institucionalni investitori) i ovdje (izdavatelji).
CONNECTING REGION - Open talk series
Mr. Kovač, Head of Economic Research Department of Erste & Steiermärkische d.d. shared his views on the COVID-19 induced crisis, measures taken to fight it and his outlook for the future.
Hosted by: Damir Čukman (N3 Capital Partners)
Damir Čukman, founder and president of the Management Board of N3 Capital Partners and president of the CFA Society Croatia talks about global markets, his views on the COVID-19 and main risks that await us in the upcoming period.
Hosted by: Maja Bešević Vlajo (Podravska banka